Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why am i getting this c++ error?

class Offered_Courses {


Offered_Courses (char input[]) {;


int i = 0;

while(!in.eof()) {

//getline(in, input_line);

in %26gt;%26gt; cn;

in %26gt;%26gt; c;

in %26gt;%26gt; so;

in %26gt;%26gt; t;

courses[i] = new Course(cn, c, so, t);




class Course {


Course(string cn, int c, char so, string t) {

course_name = cn;

credits = c;

semester_offered = so;

tag = t;



string course_name;

int credits;

char semester_offered;

string tag;



ifstream in;

Course courses[MAX_NUM_COURSES];

string cn;

int c;

char so;

string t;

string input_line;


- In my above code i seem to be getting some errors with the Course class inside the Offered_Courses class, can anyone tell me whats wrong with the code?

error: no matching function for call to Offered_Courses::Course::Course()


Why am i getting this c++ error?
You are going to run into numerous problems but the one you are asking about stems from this:

Course courses[MAX_NUM_COURSES];

When Offered_Courses is constructed it is going to try and allocate an array of Course types before it even enters the Offered_Courses constructor. To do this it will call the default constructor for Course for each element of the array. However you have not defined a default constructor so you are getting the compiler error.
Reply:What type are cn, c, so, t?

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