Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why are all you band-wagon jumpers so shallow as to think Bush is singlehandly F-up everything ? ruling class?

He is just the messenger, Puppet on a string as most bought and sold for politicians, Yes there are people behind the curtain with clout having him sell to the public and we are not buying!But in order to kill,stop,illiminate or change the enemy you must identify the true evil doers "our own ruling class the well entrenched old money power structure! I did not vote for him or his party by the way its not several parties in Washington D.C. it is one party THE MONEY PARTY! Money is what we need control of to remove the enemy!

Why are all you band-wagon jumpers so shallow as to think Bush is singlehandly F-up everything ? ruling class?
I agree with you there. I too get tired of the crowd blaming The President...he is killing people...mmm do you see him out with a gun doing that? No.

I think if people had to sit in that position they would have a different view on things but of course it is easier to ***** and lay blame than it is to take a course of action and be productive.
Reply:The buck stops there. Report It

Reply:I wish I could have answered this question, I am on no bandwagon. I didn't vote for him, but I did vote so I have a right to criticize his administration. When ask do you like the direction that America is going in 22% said yes. 78% said no. Tells the whole story. Report It

Reply:I agree you have a right to criticize the voted and your voice counts...the ones that disturb me are people who don't vote..and complain that they don't like how things are going. Report It

Reply:The best way to make change is to take action, but a majority don't vote, don't get involved and then complain they don't like how the country is being run. If you voted I may not agree with your opinion but I give you props for trying to make a difference. :D Report It

Reply:I understand that. Its just so easy to hold the Chimp in Chief accountable. The oligarchy ( fueled by corporations ) behind the scenes is part of the blame, but I believe we had a right wing coup in 2000 and the bad guys won. They've been in control ever since - and most of the Bush supporters can not see past thieir noses, or are sheeple acting against their best interests.
Reply:Dang call your therapist and make an appointment. That stolen election dream you keep having is going to be the death of you if you dont address it!
Reply:Because that man is the leader of the country. Creating animosity in this country divides us. You may not have voted for him but he represents you and me to the rest of the world, and incase you haven't figured out we are at war.

Its not money, it Capitalism at its worst-Greed. Captialism is turning out to be a bad thing. I am starting to believe that Karl Marx was right.

The funny thing is Bush does represent you, you live in denial my man!!!!

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