Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Girl in my class showing off her Thongs n GString 2me!?

Hey guys. Im Jason cristiano.

Im jus a bit confused rlly cos theres a rlly pretty n sexy girl in my class at college and we gt along n stuff but sumtyms i dunno whether she knows shes doin this or wat but she cheks 2 c over her shoulder and then it seems everytime im anywhere beside her she jus keeps bending over and for no reason most of the time and her g-strings or thong wtevas she is wearin is in clear sight. n then when ive gone she sits back normally and smiles at me.

can any1 tell me what the hell is goin on ere please!? shes nice but i jus duno why this keeps happenin 2me?!

thank guys n girls!

Girl in my class showing off her Thongs n GString 2me!?
I would ask her out after the show and see what she does
Reply:I'm a guy by the way, and this girls trying to let you know that she ain't shy. It's as plain as a t-shirt that reads " I'm not a goody goody." Her underwear is, to her, a subtle way of telling you she's a little wild and a little of what you might want.

Call her out on it. Girls dig confidence and if you throw her underwear in the conversation like you ain't skeered, you'll be in there for sure. I wanna know what happens...
Reply:Can you please re-post this question in English, so we can help you.
Reply:I think she likes you she's not doing this on accident.
Reply:some people just like attention. i used to do that not intentionally but in high school and every day the guys would shout out a color to me
Reply:okay, i'm sorry but a girl showing her thong to a guy really has no class. the second i started reading your question the first thing that popped in my mind is she's trashy and immature. i really think she's disgusting if that is her way to attract a guy.
Reply:She is teasing you, that's all. Have the instuctor move your set. Or ask her how much!
Reply:maybe she is just trying to give you the satisfaction of what you want to see . Am I right I can only really understand if your enjying the peep show or if it makes you uncomfortable . The only way to truly know if she is feeling you is to get the low down on this girl. She sounds like she is really daring and sponteneous maybe she is just fishing for a compliment , what ever the situation , try engaging in convo , sounds like shorty trying to give you some play , if you don't know you'lll never know Right ? Hope it helps .
Reply:grab it pull it back about a foot and let it snap on her and if she doesnt slap you then she likes you
Reply:she just wants you to know that shes a whore!
Reply:She wants you to look at her ***, DUH!
Reply:have fun
Reply:She is flirting with you ask her out
Reply:she's playing and teasing.

girls get off on doing that.

She may still want more from you but you will never know if you dont be direct and ask her out.
Reply:this happens to me alot. i just wear low rise jeans and my thong pops out. i don't do it on purpose. maybe she's smiling at you because you're staring at her with drool on your lip.
Reply:obviously she is showing off her thong to you, because she thinks you will be interested in her body instead of her mind?
Reply:she wants you to look. girls are not dumb. They know what shows and wear things to make sure they show even. She may just be doing it to bother you - teasing. Call her bluff and ask her out. If she's serious, she'll go. If not, she'll probably stop teasing you.
Reply:Go for it; ask her out.
Reply:i think she likes you and she must really want you because she practically handing her self to you but hold up because do want someone who will just hand it out
Reply:first of all introduce yourself and then make sure she puts out then your good thanks for the 2 points.
Reply:haha shes flirting with you.. and she wants you to know that shes interested. so i would just hit on her! be like.. heyy... nive thong.. looks real sexy or somethin.. lol personally.. i think she would be shallow for doin that.. but what can i say.. ive done it more than a few times.. let her know ur interested!
Reply:She wants her thong/g-string...in your mouth/on your bedroom floor.

Lol she sounds a bit promiscuous, do what your conscience tells you.
Reply:she wants to go out with you and hump you then dump you =)
Reply:She wants you to see, so make sure you look !
Reply:There is no way you are in college. If you are I weep for the future.
Reply:Sounds like she likes you. You should write her a poem and give her flowers. I bet she'd like that... though, you might want to spell check it, or learn to spell and use grammar. When she finds out how stupid you are, she'll probably run.
Reply:She just thinks that you are the perv that is stealing ladies underwear off the clotheslines in her neighbourhood.She is just showing that you have not stolen all hers.

Could be that she is not Britney Spears and is proving that she does wear knicks!!

secret garden

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