Sunday, July 12, 2009

Please Help me out with this C++ problem ?

Hi i want to make a program using vector... but that is little bit hard for me to do because i have little knowledge about vector.. I know about string and using class. But the following functiion should be use with vector.. If anybody has any idea please responce. Im writting in details so that it makes clear.

1) bool update(const string%26amp; name, int teleNum, const vector%26lt;string%26gt;%26amp; nameList, vector%26lt;int%26gt;%26amp; teleNumList) : This function updates the telephone number of the person name to teleNum. The nameList and the teleNumList are the name list and the corresponding telephone number list. If it fails to find the person, it returns false otherwise it returns true.

bool erase(const string%26amp; name, vector%26lt;string%26gt;%26amp; nameList, vector%26lt;int%26gt;%26amp; teleNumList) : This function erases the person and the corresponding telephone number of the person name. The nameList and the teleNumList are the name list and the corresponding telephone number list. If it fails to find the person, return fals or els true

Please Help me out with this C++ problem ?
goto in c++ stl u will get help

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