Thursday, July 9, 2009

Who can help me about doing a lab in c++ Class Kids{ protected:?

Class Kids{


String name;

int age;

bool height;

void Reg();

void disp();


my program will contain the fallowing functions:

1) write a function called Reg() . this function will register names and agas of the children and save them into a array of object

2) write function move() which will move the girls from the main arrayof objects into a new link list. The new class, called Girls , will be inhereted from the Kids class. Derivation will be public.

3) write function disp() to d,splay the names, ages , and the genders of the children.

4) write a main()function with a menu for invoking other fucktions .

Please help me i dont write programs for a year so i cant remember what to do .

Who can help me about doing a lab in c++ Class Kids{ protected:?

Here is the link to C++ forum

If you could post this problem in this forum, somebody might be able to help you out.

Here is another link

Good luck


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