Thursday, July 9, 2009

Very Basic C++ Question About Float!?

I've just started a C++ class and we have to write a program that asks for 5 grades from the user and then calculates the average. I almost have the whole thing down and it compiles and runs smoothly, but then my teacher reminded us that the answers could turn out to be decimals, of course. I know that float is used for decimals but we haven't done any examples with this type of variable. I'm guessing that I'll just have to do something in this section:


using namespace std;

int main ()


string username;

int grade1;

int grade2;

int grade3;

int grade4;

int grade5;

int avg = 0;

int sum = 0;

Thanks in advance!

Very Basic C++ Question About Float!?
in above programs or hints do a s\mall change that is



Reply:not sure about c++, but try to do this

float avg = 0.0;

sum = grade1 + grade2 + grade3 + grade4 + grade5 ;

avg = sum / 5.0 ;

note the last line is over 5.0 not over 5, since i think over 5 will just round the actual average before assigning it to avg
Reply:Ok. floats are just like ints but can do decimals. So just change your average variable into a float like this:

float avg = 0;

That's it!
Reply:A float is used to store a value corresponding to a single-precision real number ( a decimal number ). Since you are trying to calculate the average, you have to change the line:

int avg = 0;


float avg = 0.0;

Then you can calculate the average using:

avg = (grade1 + grade2 + grade3 + grade4 + grade5)/(5.0);

or, if you prefer: avg = sum/(5.0);

I hope this helps you.

cheap flowers

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