Thursday, July 9, 2009

Palindrome program in c++.?

help writing this palindrome program for my c++ class.


Write a program that takes a line of input from the keyboard and check to see if that line is a palindrome. Your program should ignore blanks, punctuation, and lettercase

Your program should output what the user entered as well as the reversed line.

Sample output:

Please enter a phrase, and I will tell you if it is a palindrome.

%26gt;%26gt; Madam I'm Adam

You entered Madam I'm Adam

True. This IS a palindrome, the reversed string is madamimadam

Would you like to enter another phrase (y/n)

%26gt;%26gt; y

Please enter a phrase, and I will tell you if it is a palindrome.

%26gt;%26gt; Kayak

You entered Kayak

True. This IS a palindrome, the reversed string is kayak

Would you like to enter another phrase (y/n)

%26gt;%26gt; y

Please enter a phrase, and I will tell you if it is a palindrome.

%26gt;%26gt; Last Stall

You entered Last Stall

False. This is NOT a palindrome, the reversed string is llatstsal.

Thanks in Advance :)

Palindrome program in c++.?

sounds like an homework or an interview question :D, anyway you can use this :) :

string Test;

cin %26gt;%26gt; Test;

bool bFlag = true;

string::iterator IterFw = Test.begin();

string::reverse_iterator IterBw = Test.rbegin();

while( *(IterFw++) == *(IterBw++) %26amp;%26amp; IterFw != Test.end() ) {

bFlag = false;


if( !bFlag )

cout %26lt;%26lt; "it's a palindrome" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


cout %26lt;%26lt; "it's NOT a palindrome" %26lt;%26lt; endl;
Reply:string Test;

cin %26gt;%26gt; Test;

bool isPalidrom = false;

char data[256];

strcpy(data, Test.c_str());


Test = data;

string::iterator IterFw = Test.begin();

string::reverse_iterator IterRev = Test.rbegin();

while(IterFw != Test.end() %26amp;%26amp; isPalidrom) {

if (!isspace(*IterFw) %26amp;%26amp; !ispunct(*IterFw) %26amp;%26amp; !isspace(*IterRev) %26amp;%26amp; !isspace(*IterRev))


if (*IterFw != *IterRev)


isPalidrom = false;







} // If not space or punctation

else if (isspace(*IterFw) || ispunct(*IterFw))









if( isPalidrom )

cout %26lt;%26lt; "it's a palindrome" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


cout %26lt;%26lt; "it's NOT a palindrome" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

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